Easy to Do Arts and Crafts Bass Fishig Art Projects
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FISH CRAFTS FOR KIDS : Easy Instruction to Make Fish with the following Arts & Crafts Projects & Activities for Children, Teens, and Preschoolers
The ocean is the home for a lot of animal species and ocean themed crafts are a popular choice for children too. They have so much too choose from such as dolphins, fishes, jellyfishes, manatees, octopuses, otters, sharks, squids, starfishes and whales.
Children can make an ocean scene diorama from a shoe box and other craft materials such as pipe cleaners, old cereal boxes, crayons or markers and whatever craft materials you can find. For the ocean animals you can use small plastic ocean animal toys.
Another craft idea is a jellyfish made from construction paper and crepe paper and decorate it with glitter, paint and stickers. You can also make a jellyfish from a paper bowl and crepe paper. Both jellyfishes can be hung with a piece of string.
You can make a starfish from a paper plate too. All you need to do is draw a starfish on the paper plate, cut it out and paint the starfish with acrylic or watercolor paint.
Toddlers and preschoolers can make a sparkly fish from a lunch paper bag stuffed with newspaper and tied with a pipe cleaner, wire or rubber band right above the stuffing to form the body and the tail. Draw on the mouth and eyes using a marker.
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How to Make a Fun Fishing Game
Just imagine it...you can fish in the summer now. How? By making this cool fishing game. Decide on a fish design (it doesn't have to be the simple fish we did above) and then cut out a bunch of fish from sheet cork. At the minimum, the fish should be at least 2" long and 1" wide - but bigger is good too. They need to be big enough to poke a hole in them without breaking the remaining cork. The way to waterproof the fish is to get a crayon and cover every existing space on the fish. This will keep the water out. To make your fishing rod, you can use a stick, a chopstick, a pencil, or other like object. Tie a string to it and then on the other end of teh 12" long string, you will put the hook. Make the hook wiht a bent paperclip...the illustration above will help you make your hook. To play this game dump a bunch of these fish into your bathtub and then compete with your friends to see who can get the most fish.
How to Make a Fish Aquarium Box
This is a craft that is easy enough for preschoolers, Kindergarteners and other children in the earlier grades. Find a shoe box. To make the aquarium background, you can print out an underwater scene here and paste it to the bottom of the shoe box (which will be the back of the aquarium). Also color the sides of the inside of the box with crayons, colored pencils, paint, or construction paper. Now get some orange, yellow, or red construction paper and cut out four 2" circles (they can be a bit bigger or smaller) by tracing a lid or a cap. Cut one circle in half; then cut one of these half-circles in half again (sketch a). Paste pieces together to make fish as shown in sketch b. Mark eyes and mouth with crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, etc. Turn box so that opening is on side. Tape one end of string (about 5" long) to back of fish and other end to top of box. Do this with as many fish as you want to hang to the box. If you wish you may tape small pieces of dried seaweed to inside back of box. Cover open side of box with cellophane (plastic wrap) and fasten with Scotch tape (sketch c).
How to Make Paper Fish Masks
To make this paper fish mask, just print out the following fish mask template and follow the directions on the printed page.
Make a Fish Net with Fish
You will need Six 3" x 2" pieces of "fish" colored construction paper (one piece for pattern), one 9" x 12" piece brown crepe paper, ruler, pencil, and scissors. Print out the following fish illustrations. Cut the fish out. Paste gummed reinforcements on each side of fish for eyes. For fish, you will need 9" x 12" piece of brown crepe paper. Fold on 9" side over and over, just as crepe paper bolt is folded. Make a series of parallel slits in one folded side about 1" apart up to within 1" of other side (sketch b). Turn and cut slits on other folded side between first slits (sketch c). Open folded paper, stretch apart and there is net (sketch d). Children may fold nets in two and put their fish in them.
Learn How to Draw Fish
To learn how to draw realistic and cartoon-ish fish, pick one of the thumbnail picture above to try to draw them.
Even More Fish Crafts Below
Make a Toy Fish Tank - Learn how to make this adorable fish tank and fish toy from an oatmeal container box.
How to Make Fish from a Heart Box - Make Cartoon Fish Boxes from Old Valentine's Day Chocolate Boxes with the following step by step instructional tutorial.
Make Fish Pen and Pencil Holder for Your Desk - Show people that you are the Big Fis by making this fish pencil holder for your desk. Organize all of those pens and pencils on your messy desk.
Sculpting with Fimo: The Goldfish Crafts Project for Kid - In this craft, I will teach you how to create a very basic fimo sculpture fish that most children will enjoy making again and again.
Making Fish Pot Holders - Learn how to put together this adorable fish pot holder.
Under the Sea Paper Decorations - Print out this sealife and underwater creatures hangable decoration.
Wire Fish Mobiles - Use Metal Wire Coat Hangers to make these amazing and beautiful fish mobiles.
Safety Pin Fish Pond Game - Learn how to make this fishing game with a stick, string, and safety pin.
How to Make Fishy Wooden Stick Mobiles - This tutorial gives instructions on making basic mobiles with sticks and string. This mobile example is for fishies.
Baggy Fish Creatures Craft Puffy - Crayola.com shares with children a fish craft made from a lunch paper bag, paint, sponge and string.
Beaded Rainbow Fish Craft - Find out how to make a rainbow fish key chain from cord, lanyard hook and pony beads of different colors.
Bug-Eyed Blowfish - Make a special blowfish craft from a 12 inch balloon.
CD Fish - Kids can make a fish from an old CD, construction paper and foam.
CD Rom Fish - Make a fish from old CDs/DVDs, construction paper, wiggle eyes, craft glue, fishing line and scissors.
Fab Fish Brick Stitch Earrings - Follow these instructions to make a pair of beautiful fish earrings.
Fancy Fish Valentine's Day Card Craft - Make this beautiful glittery fish Valentine's Day card for someone special.
Father's Day Fish Card Craft for Kids - This is a great Father's Day card for dads who love fishing.
Fish Banner - This is a fun craft for kids to make while learning about fishes.
Fish Beaded Safety Pin - Make a fish pin jewelry from safety pins and seed beads.
Fish Card - If your dad loves fishing then this is the perfect Father's Day or Birthday card for him!
Fish CD Rom Craft - Find out how you can turn an old CD into a fish by following these instructions.
Fish Craft For Kids - A beautiful fish card children can make.
Fishies Swimmin in the Sea Craft Activity - This is a very colorful and easy craft for children of all ages.
Fish in a Bag - A fun craft for children to make!
Fishing Frame Craft - This is a great gift children can make for their dad or grandpa.
Fish Mobile Arts & Crafts Project Instructions - Crayola.com shares with kids a simple fish mobile craft.
Fish Name Tags - This fish craft is great for the first day of Sunday school so everyone can learn each other's name.
Fish of Delight - A cool cute fish to make for decoration!
Fish Paper Plate Craft - Learn how to turn a paper plate into a fish in a few steps.
Fish Picture Frame Craft - Find out how to make this fish shaped picture frame with the help of an adult of course!
Fish Swivel Bracelet Cract Activity for Children - Make a simple bracelet using fishing swivels, seed beads and small jingle bells.
Fish Weather Vane - Learn how to make a fish themed homemade weather vane.
Fish Yarn Bug - Children can make a yarn bug resembling their favorite fish.
Flying Fish - Find out how to make a traditional carp wind sock by following these instructions.
Foam Fish - Here is another great Sunday school craft for kids ages 6 – 11.
Fun Jonah Craft - A fun and simple craft for Sunday school that goes well with the story of Jonah.
Fun Tropical Fish Craft - Free Preschool Kids Craft - Use crayon and glitter glue to decorate your tropical fish.
Get Crafty: Fishy Wrapping Paper - Find out how you can create your own fish themed wrapping paper.
Gideon's Beaded Fish Craft - This fish craft will keep your kids busy for hours on a rainy day.
Glue Fish - Make a fish using white glue, black construction paper and oil pastels.
Goldfish Craft - Follow these instructions to create a mosaic goldfish using tissue paper and construction paper.
Gone Fishing Door Hanging - This will make a great gift for your dads who love fishing.
Good-luck Goldfish - Celebrate Chinese New Year by giving family and friends each a goldfish for good luck.
Guppy Love - Make fishes from heart shapes and give them to family and friends on Valentine's Day.
Handprint Fish Craft - Find out how kids can make a fish craft using their handprints.
Hanging Japanese Fish - Learn how to make a Japanese Koi decoration from construction paper and old magazines.
Heart Fish Kissing Paper Craft - A fun and interesting craft to make!
Heart Fish Paper Craft - Make a heart fish using only paper, glue and child safe scissors.
Homemade Soap - Learn how to make homemade fish shaped soap you can hang in your bathroom.
How to Make a Balloon Fish - Learn how to twist balloons into a balloon fish.
How to Make a Fish Windsock - Find out how you can make a fish windsock using inexpensive materials.
How to Make a Foam Fish Costume - Find out how to make a Fish Costume using foam sheets by following these instructions.
How to Make a Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Bible Craft - A fun craft that teaches children the Bible story about Jesus feeding 5000 people.
How to Make a Shrinky Dink Blow Fish - Make a blow fish using shrinky dink sheets, baking sheet, scissors, pencil, crayons and a timer.
How to Make Fish Out of a Recycled Plastic Bottle - This is a fun fishy way to recycle all those plastic bottles.
If I were a Fish in the Sea - This fish kid's craft goes with the song "If I were a fish in the sea, I'd wiggle my tail and I'd giggle with flee!"
Japanese Carp Wind Sock - Follow these instructions to create a Japanese Carp Wind Sock just like this one!
Jesus Fish Beaded Safety Pin Crafts Project - Use this free Jesus Fish pattern, safety pins and seed beads to create this Jesus Fish pin.
Jonah and the Big Fish - An interesting craft that goes with the Bible story "Jonah and the Big Fish".
Kids Heart Fish Craft - This is a simple and fun craft children can make on Valentine's Day.
Kids Starfish Craft - Make a simple starfish craft using the free printable template, pastina pasta and a few other materials.
Kids X-Ray Fish Craft - Children can make an x-ray fish craft using a free printable template.
Lunch Bag Fish - Learn how to make a fish from a paper lunch bag and crayons.
Magnet Fishing Game Craft - This is a great fishing game for both children and adults. It's also easy and inexpensive to make.
Make a Washcloth and Soap fish - Find out how you can make a fish from a washcloth, rubber band, yarn, bar soap, and self-sticking foam.
Make This Easy Craft - Learn how easy it is to make a fish from egg carton cups.
Make This Easy Craft - Make a simple starfish using an egg carton cup, acrylic paint and other materials.
Mini Tackle Box for Dad - A great way for you to help you dad keep his fishing supplies organized.
Origami Angel Fish - Here is a detailed origami angel fish tutorial with images.
Origami Fish - Learn how to make a fish or other underwater creatures from paper.
Pantyhose Fish Sculpture - Learn how to use panty hose hosiery and a wire hanger to make a sculpture, such as this fish sculpture
Paper Aquarium Craft - Design your own Aquarium using various colors of construction paper and other craft supplies.
Paper Bag Fish Preschool Craft - Make a fish from a paper lunch bag and decorate it with glitter glue, markers, sequins or any other materials.
Paper Fish Craft - This is an easy and fun paper craft for preschoolers and kindergarteners.
Paper Place Fish Craft - Learn how to make a fish from a round paper or plastic plate.
Paper Plate Fish - Make a beautiful fish from a paper plate, tissue paper, child safe scissors, tacky glue and a wiggle eye.
Paper Plate Fish Craft - >This craft allows children to be creative by making a fish from a paper plate.
Paper Plate Fish Craft to Make - Make a fish using a paper plate, stapler, scissors and crayons.
Pie Plate Fish - This tutorial shows you how fun it is to recycle by making a fish from two pie plates.
Pony Bead Jesus Fish Crafts Project for Kids - Make a Jesus Fish window decoration from pony beads, chenille stem, alphabets beads that spell JESUS, a long string and a suction cup hanger.
Porcupine Fish Paper Plate Craft - Make a porcupine fish from paper, paper plate, pencil, glue, scissors and a black marker.
Rainbow Fish Coffee Filter Craft - Make a rainbow colored fish from coffee, water and children's markers.
Rainbow Fish Craft Making Instructions - A fun fish craft where children can make their imagination go wild.
Recycled Soda Bottle Fish Mobile Craft for Children - Make a fish craft from recycled materials such as a plastic bottle and CDs.
Recycled Water Bottle - Learn how to turn an empty water bottle into a fish by following these instructions.
Ribbon Fish Arts and Crafts Project for Children and Teens - Find out how you can make a fish decoration using only strips of ribbon and glue.
Salty the Fish Craft - Here is a simple but fun "Salty the Fish" craft for children of all ages.
Sand-Cast Bass - This is the perfect children's craft for your day at the beach.
Shape Fish Craft - Make a fish craft using a circle, triangle, oval and a diamond.
Soda Bottle Rainbow Fish - Learn how to make this beautiful rainbow fish with a soda bottle and some other materials.
Sponge Crown - Make a fish crown using four sponges of different colors and pipe cleaners.
Star Fish Paper Mache Project to Make - Find out how you can make a starfish using the paper mache method.
Stuffed Fish - Learn how to make a small fish from cloth and fiberfill.
Styrofoam and Drinking Straw Puppet Craft - Use the free template to create a fish puppet from stryofoam and drinking straws.
Tahitian Fish Mobile Craft - Learn how to make a Tahitian Fish Mobile by following these instructions carefully.
Thumbprint Craft for Preschoolers - Make a fish using only white paper, paint and a black marker.
Tissue Paper Fish Craft - Find out how to make a fish from back construction paper, clear contact paper, tissue paper and other materials.
Triangle Fish Paper Craft - Kids can make a simple fish paper craft using triangle shapes.
Underwater Fish Scene - This is a fun activity where children create their own underwater scene.
"You're a Great Catch" Fish Photo Holder - This would make a great Father's Day card for dad or grandpa.
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Source: https://www.artistshelpingchildren.org/fishcraftsideaskids.html
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